The inshoerance sensor insole is the first wearable with motion sensing, cognitive alarming and real-time localization features. A non-invasive guardian angel at your feet.
Easy to install, simple to use
ultra light and nonobstructive.
Accurate localization in emergencies
– outdoors and indoors.
User-active or automatic alarming
and gait analysis.

Smart Home Care
Our insoles increase your safety at home and help you alert helpers - even when you are unconscious or unable to move. "But what if I am not wearing my shoes?", you may ask. Our system is capable of learning your daily movement routine over a short period of time and detect unusual usage patterns. These usage patterns are stored locally within the smart insoles only. Thus, no sensitive data up in the cloud.
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continuous vitality checks |
unusual user activity & automatic alarm |
Occupational Safety
How do you call for help, when your hands are tight? In certain emergency situations it is simply too risky or impossible to push an alarm button. By wearing our insoles all you need to do is to click your heels together 2x in order to send off an alarm to your colleagues. If that's not possible, because you are unconscious, the system sends off an alarm on its own.
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hands free user-active alarm |
blackout detection & automatic alarm |

Rehabilitation Monitoring
How is your recovery progressing? After a severe injury, e.g. like a fractured bone or a torn ligament, patients are usually examined with expensive machinery such as MRI, ultrasound or radiology systems. Yet, in rehabiliation barely any state-of-the-art technology is used to monitor the healing process. We believe by continuously monitoring gait during the rehabilitation process helps minimizing the risk of consequential problems in the musculosceletal apparatus. Our smart insoles are easy to use and got inbuilt high-precision measuring technology to analyze your gait when recovering from an injury.
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gait quality progress
during recovery |
activity of daily living |
Mobile Anamnesis
Self-selected walking speed (gait velocity) is an ideal measure to detect functional and physiological changes. Not only is it ideal in clinical studies, according to Fritz and Lusardi (2004) it has the potential to predict future health status, which makes it a suitable parameter for the early detection of diseases such as Parkinson or Dementia. Our insole is an optimal device to measure real world walking speed (real world gait velocity) over a prolonged period of time.
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self-selected walking speed |
risk of fall indicators |

Run Analysis
How about real-time training feedback or indepth running style analysis to prepare for your next competition? When it comes to athletic vitality analysis, there is no better region of the body to place a sensor than at the feet. The further up a self-monitoring device is worn, the higher the average systematic error percentage.
How about bringing a non-obstructive lifesaver along with you on your solitary runs through offroad terrain? In case of emergency our insole allows its user to send off distress calls containing precise location data - even when unconscious.
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running style analysis | smart alarming |

In case of an emergency inshoerance offers user-activated and automatic alarms to call for help. The sensor sole is paired to a dedicated mobile application (app112) which means emergency responders will receive precise location data.
By end of 2018 inshoerance will become a standalone which means, it won‘t require an app (gateway) to transmit an emergency call. We are currently stress testing a new generation of sensor soles with inbuilt GPS and GSM modules.

In case of an emergency inshoerance offers user-activated and automatic alarms to call for help. The sensor sole is paired to a dedicated mobile application (app112) which means emergency responders will receive precise location data.
By end of 2018 inshoerance will become a standalone which means, it won‘t require an app (gateway) to transmit an emergency call. We are currently stress testing a new generation of sensor soles with inbuilt GPS and GSM modules.

In case of an emergency inshoerance offers user-activated and automatic alarms to call for help. The sensor sole is paired to a dedicated mobile application (app112) which means emergency responders will receive precise location data.
By end of 2018 inshoerance will become a standalone which means, it won‘t require an app (gateway) to transmit an emergency call. We are currently stress testing a new generation of sensor soles with inbuilt GPS and GSM modules.

Precise localization within in buildings has been tough, if not impossible, so far. Our products recognize their location even inside large buildings within a meter’s accuracy. We use the latest indoor positioning technology to precisely detect locations inside complexes or to detect perimeter breaches (virtual fencing).

Precise localization within in buildings has been tough, if not impossible, so far. Our products recognize their location even inside large buildings within a meter’s accuracy. We use the latest indoor positioning technology to precisely detect locations inside complexes or to detect perimeter breaches (virtual fencing).
What's inside



secufy button
the fog-networking-controller
with integrated flowtracking
The multifunktional IoT hub offers people and asset tracking for process optimization + intelligent alarm infrastructure management.
homezone sender
the indoorpositioning beacon with optional AES encryption
Precise real-time navigation, using the iBeacon or Eddystone protocol, inside closed environments (e.g. buildings, factories).
secufy connect portal
the sleek cockpit for alarm and
infrastructure management
Intelligent alarm management with real-time tracking, evacuation plans and automated emergency call routing (SMS, E-Mail, etc).
secufy connect app
the only emergency app,
which uses all protocols
Offers extensive integration possibilities and it is easy to connect to rescue coordination / emergency call centers.

Who is inshoerance?

We are an innovative technology company, located in Germany, that specializes in wearable technology solutions. Our product portfolio is designed for a variety of applications, environments and situations which can be is easily integrated into existing security and hospital systems.

Dr. Jürgen Löschinger
I am a Graduate Engineer (Dipl. Ing.) and hold a PhD in Biology (Dr. rer. nat.). For over 40 years now I am working with micro controller systems now and have developed numerous products. My experience comes from working at private companies such as Kontron and Interkom (12 years) or for renowned research instituations such as Max-Planck-Institut (13 years) and Fraunhofer-Institut. About 20 years ago I founded my first own company which gave birth to several spin-offs.

Holger Mannweiler
After graduating in physics, I turned to business via a M.B.A. and worked several year in business consulting. Soon I started my own start-ups, both in technology and consumer goods. I gained lots of experience both in B2B and B2C markets. At inshoerance I have the great opportunity of putting all my expertise from previous companies to build a great company for safety and security.

Dr. Richard Feichtinger
Just like my colleague I hold a PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Biology and my professional career began about 32 years ago. For 9 years I worked as a scientist at the Max-Planck-Institut and at the universities Freiburg and Basel. Early on I was interested in the private sector and decided to join a Belgian Biotech Start-up in 1998, which went IPO and was bought and delisted later on. After this successful start I decided to become an entrepreneur and founded my own company.